As I wrote in the previous post about The mystery behind the pages, this blog post continues where we left the last time. In this post we will create our own overview page for the DAM assets.
First we need to make sure that we have the appropriate rights to create a new page. The easiest thing to do, is to make sure that we are a member of the Superusers user group. That group has all the rights that we need to create the page.
Go to the "Manage" portal and select the Pages icon.
By default the first pages below the Home node is shown. Click on the "+ Page" to create a page of our own. In the image below you will see a couple of options about the page. The first thing it ask for is a page name. Another thing to note is the Parent. As we clicked the "+ Page" button below the Home node, the parent is therefor Home. When creating subpages you'll see another parent node. The Page Type is then next to be configured. For now we leave it to Blank Page. When creating a create of edit page you should select "Detail Page". But more on this another time, lets stay focues on our overview page. The Master Layout allows you to choose from different layouts, for now we choose the Basic lay-out. Click "Create" to continue.
Wait for the screen to be refreshed. The page has now been created. As you can see there aren't any components on the page. To fill the page with functionality we need to add components to the page, but before we will do that, first take a look at the "Info"-tab on the page. On this tab you have the options to add the page to the menu, change behavior and much more. When finished changing the page, switch back to the "Layout"-tab.
Click on the "+" sign in the Header zone (left) to add a component. A pop-up will appear with the different components that you can choose from. For now choose the Title components. Before click "Add", make sure to click on the "Visible" switch!
Don't worry if you clicked to fast and forget to set the visible switch. Click on the dots behind the component and click on "Settings". Here you can also set the visible switch.
Let's move on the Main zone and add a Search component. Remember to hit the visible switch and click on the component. We will not transfer to the edit page for this component. On the Filters tab we can set the filter on the type of entities that we would like to view. For create a simple filter on the Asset (M.Asset) definition. This will filter out all the assets. Don't forget to click "Save" in the filter as well at the top of the page. When the component it saved, open the page in a new window.*
As you can see we now have all the assets that are avaiable in the system, but that aren't any ways of filtering the list. Go back to the Edit Seach component page. Click on the "Functionality" tab. Here are a lot of options to choose from to make the page more interesting and helpful. Switch on the following options:
- Full-Text
- Facets
- Sorting
- Paging
- Selection
- Refresh button
Perhaps you noticed that the number of taps on the page extended when we switch on an option. Each new tab will give us the ability to further configure the page. For extensive information about the Search component go to the Search component in the Content Hub documentation.
Save the changes on the page and re-open / refresh the page. As you can see, the page has a lot more functionalities that it had before. In the next blog we will take a look at the output of the page.
Until next time!
* If the page title isn't shown, open the "Info"-tab of the page. Verify that the page title is correct and click Save. Sometimes the title of the page isn't saved correctly. Refresh the page to verify that the page title is visible.